I noticed a trend with my posts... it reflects that uni-break is never complete without me making something in the kitchen AND posting it up :) So as my one week mid-sem break comes to an end (it's too short!) I thought I should keep with this trend.
Another thing I accomplished today was to tidy up the parts of the kitchen that Mum has set apart for my cooking junk. Yes, my cooking junk are exclusive to me cos I'm the only one who bakes at home ;p This applies to baking trays, various ingredients and utensils... some of which I had to throw out today :s Hm.. how I look forward to having my own kitchen one day ^^
Anyways, my point is, I found some ingredients in the cupboard and it triggered my creative juices... cranberries, dessicated coconut, white choc melts...
What you need:
- 1/2 cup dried cranberries
- 1/4 cup dessicated coconut
- approx 12 white chocolate melts
- all other ingredients for basic vanilla mini cupcakes found here
The "choc-surprise" part is the piece of choc melt that I inserted to the middle of the mix before baking... It didn't really melt as I thought it would... it turned out crunchy instead... Well, I guess that's why it's called a surprise ;)
[Unfortunately, Mr. Photographer is busy with exams this week, so I took the photos instead... so you might notice a drop in pro-ness x)]